SELECT DISTINCT p.products_id, p.products_price_tax, pd.products_name, cu.value, cu.currencies_marza, (p.products_price_tax/cu.value)+(cu.value*cu.currencies_marza/100) AS cena
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN currencies cu ON cu.currencies_id = p.products_currencies_id
LEFT JOIN products_to_categories ptc ON ptc.products_id = p.products_id
LEFT JOIN products_description pd ON pd.products_id = p.products_id AND pd.language_id = '2'
WHERE ptc.categories_id in (23,694,687,696,681,679,678,677,680,675,673,674,698,974,973,976,972,971,697,689,688,690,676,691,693,692,682,672,684,686,683,685,695) AND
p.products_status = '1' and p.listing_status = '0' and ( (p.customers_group_id = '0' or p.customers_group_id = '' ) )
ORDER BY p.products_date_added desc, pd.products_name LIMIT 0,24
Online Store Workshop - niska cena na
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41.51 € 37.24 €No change in product price in the last 30 days
Dostępny (wysyłka 2-5 dni) 42.97 € 21.39 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 24.72 € 18.87 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 24.72 € 18.62 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępny (wysyłka 2-5 dni) 48.56 € 40.76 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 2.52 € 1.76 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 15.10 € 10.57 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 32.24 € 24.40 €No change in product price in the last 30 days
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 8.59 € 6.54 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 32.46 € 24.40 €No change in product price in the last 30 days
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 8.58 € 6.54 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępny (wysyłka 2-5 dni) 15.10 € 10.57 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 10.73 € 6.29 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 16.11 € 10.06 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 11.81 € 9.06 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępny (wysyłka 2-5 dni) 53.75 € 48.81 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 19.34 € 10.32 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 11.82 € 9.06 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 56.86 € The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 12.91 € 9.81 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 14.00 € 10.57 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępny (wysyłka 2-5 dni) 19.62 € 14.84 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h 75.42 € 56.86 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostępność 2-5 dni (magazyn zewnętrzny) 12.92 € 9.81 €The lowest price in the 30 days before the discount is {PRICE}
Dostawa w 24h
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total products: 1904